Placing GET variable as hidden value in form?

hi all!

trying to grab the gclid value in the following URL:

and place it into a hidden value in a form on the same page:
< input type=“hidden” id=“gclid” name=“gclid” value=“(what goes here???)” >

i’ve tried following the instructions here:

but i am stuck at how to pass the variable to the form. i’m not proficient in javascript and have no idea how to do this.

any help would be appreciated!

same answer as in your other thread.

@Dormilich - @chazz is a new member who has only made one post. If you have seen another thread which answers his question, could you please provide the link for him? Thanks.

Thank you. That clears up my confusion, at least.

i got a good response on the other site. sorry if posting on different sites is not allowed, i thought different communities might provide different insight without double posting on the same site.

There are quite a few of us who are regular visitors across many of the popular forums so we see these duplicate posts on the different forums quite often. Many of the people likely to reply are the same people whichever forum you post the question on.

[quote=“felgall, post:7, topic:212025, full:true”]There are quite a few of us who are regular visitors across many of the popular forums so we see these duplicate posts on the different forums quite often. Many of the people likely to reply are the same people whichever forum you post the question on.

There’s also another aspect involved too, of spreading your net to increase the potential of a good response coming back. It’s one that I can appreciate, but don’t necessarily agree with.

It’s not against the rules. It just confused the heck out of me to see a reference to “your other thread” when you’d only made one post.

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