Accessing a variable and passing it along with <FORM> <HIDDEN>

I have a variable “sales” that I need to pass along using FORM <input type="hidden" name="FROM_DIV_CLASS_SALES" value=sales>

I can’t get it to work, how can variables such as “sales” below be accessed from an form field?

<div class="container">
<div class="right"><input type="text" id="sales" value="" name="sales" /></div></div>
<div class="container">

That depends on the method of your form, get or post.

I’m using “post”.

A method that you can use is with JQuery. You get the value of the input element with the following code:

var variableInput=$('#sales').val();

Then you can use the variableInput via Javascript wherever you want.

What is the purpose of the form?
What do you intend doing with the data?
Are you using back-end processing?

For example in PHP you would get the data from the $_POST array, then do as you like with it.

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