Php-ftp upload on the fly

hello everybody…

I have a simple admin system on a localhost wamp server that i use to update a few sites using remote sql… what im trying to do now is also upload files from localhost to the remote servers using php ftp functions but i just cant get any of the examples out there to work, and none that i have found have any decent error handling…

lets say i have a remote server

$host = "";
$user = "myusername";
$pass = "mypassword";
$oploadto = "/public_html/gallery";

/public_html/gallery is set at 777

and my local path to the file i want to upload is

$uploadfrom = "/wamp/www/gallery/myfile.jpg";

can somebody please show me the simplist way to upload the file… there will only ever be one file at a time so i just need to open the connection upload and close it again

any and all help appreciated :slight_smile:

no matter people I sorted it…

I found this example on (must have missed it before)