No print vs print and no screen

I have this:

 <style media="screen">
  .noPrint{ display: block; }
  .yesPrint{ display: block !important; }
<style media="print">
  .noPrint{ display: none; }
  .yesPrint{ display: block !important; }

I use: <div class="noPrint"> for no print what is on the screen.

If I want to hind from viewing on screen, but want to print what is hidden on screen, can I use the same css but with a different class or something else best to use?

Thank you.

Rather than two stylesheets you can target your print rules with @media.
Then the rules for screen can just go with your normal styles.

Try to stay away from !important , it usually means that there was some bad logic in your css.

.yesPrint {display:block;}

@media print {
   .noPrint {display:none;}

In that case you might do something like this…

.hide-on-screen {display:none;}
.yesPrint, .noPrint {display:block;}

@media print {
   .noPrint {display:none;}
   .hide-on-screen {display:block;}

If your print styles get real extensive you can link to a print stylesheet lower in the cascade in your <head> tags

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/screen.css" media="all">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/print.css" media="print">

Thanks for that:

The <div class="hide-on-screen"> work fine (didn’t show on screen, but the noPrint didn’t - it printed.

Any thoughts?

I think your reply may be missing some text. ( It’s fixed now)

work fine (didn’t show on screen, but the noPrint didn’t - it printed.

Can you post the css in the order it was in your stylesheet, it may be a cascade issue


@javascript7: you need to place a backtick ` before and after inline code to make it show up in your post.

Just looked through one of my documents I print on a regular basis and I see where I had done this in the stylesheet. I think that was to get away from using !important

@media all {
  .noPrint {display: none;}

@media print {
  .noPrint  {display: block;}
 <style media="screen">
.hide-on-screen {display:none;}
.yesPrint, .noPrint {display:block;}

@media print {
   .noPrint {display:none;}
   .hide-on-screen {display:block;}


<div class="hide-on-screen"> WORKS FINE

<div class="noPrint"> 


I tried using the period before the noPrint and that didn’t make any difference.

Look back at post#7 and see if that will work for you

<style media="screen">
Could be causing a conflict

Try <style>


This seems to be working fine on my screen and print preview

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Test Page</title>
.hide-on-screen {display:none;}
.yesPrint, .noPrint {display:block;}

@media print {
   .hide-on-screen {display:block;}
   .noPrint {display:none;}

<div class="hide-on-screen">Hidden on screen and shown in print</div>
<div class="yesPrint">Show on screen and print</div>
<div class="noPrint">Shown on screen and hidden in print</div>


Yes, thanks, that does work. I just must have, by mistake, messed up somewhere!

For my education, why is !important not good to use?

Thanks for you time and expertise, I appreciate it.

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It puts way too much specificity on the styles, it can wind up causing more harm than good.
Use it only as a last resort when there is no other possible way out of a trap.

Here’s some good info for reading

How is specificity calculated

Some rules of thumb:

  • Always look for a way to use specificity before even considering !important
  • Only use !important on page-specific CSS that overrides foreign CSS (from external libraries, like Bootstrap or normalize.css).
  • Never use !important when you’re writing a plugin/mashup.
  • Never use !important on site-wide CSS.

Thank you for that. I will copy and paste that in my information library of good coding.

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You are not by any chance using !important elsewhere in your style sheet. That may explain why it does not work for you without it. Also a good example of how it causes problems.

Thanks for that! I might be elsewhere which I will now check.

I was going to say that the dev tools will tell you. But then remembered that they don’t work on print previews.
I recall thinking a while back when working on a print stylesheet that being able to use “Inspect” on the preview would be really useful in debugging.

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