Need theme or plugin to attach author box below

Need theme or plugin to attach author box at the circle section

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-27 at 7.03.46 PM

Method-1. Plugin Solution:

You can leverage a plugin that provides author box functionality. One popular choice is the “Simple Author Box” plugin. Follow these steps:

a. Install and activate the “Simple Author Box” plugin

b. Configure the plugin settings by navigating to Settings → Simple Author Box. Customize the author box appearance

c. Ensure your theme supports the display of author information. Most well-coded themes do this by default.

d. The author box will now appear at the end of your posts or wherever you’ve configured it, including the PFA section

Method-2. Theme Customization:

If you prefer a theme-based solution without relying on additional plugins, follow these steps:

a. Open your theme’s functions.php file, usually found in the theme folder.

b. Add the following code to create a custom author box:

function custom_author_box() {
    $author_box = '<div class="circle-section-author-box">';
    $author_box .= get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('ID'), 100); // Adjust size as needed
    $author_box .= '<h4>' . get_the_author() . '</h4>';
    $author_box .= '<p>' . get_the_author_meta('description') . '</p>';
    $author_box .= '</div>';

    echo $author_box;

c. Now, call this function wherever you want the author box to appear within your theme template files. For instance, in single.php or content.php, add:

<?php custom_author_box(); ?>

d. Style the .circle-section-author-box class in your theme’s CSS file to achieve the circular appearance.

These methods seamlessly integrate an author box into the PFA section of your WordPress website.

Thanks a lot

When i paste the above code in single.php template it breaks the site

can you please tell me exact location in this theme

Sorry, @bpshbp, but that member has been banned for Spam.

In any case, that looks to me like an AI-generated post, so the chances of them actually being able to answer your question would not be great.

Hopefully someone else can help.

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