Looking for specific alert popup box

Hello. Did some googling but I couldn’t find what I am looking for. Can anyone point me to one or show me how. Thanks!

A simple javascript or jQuery alert popup box that does 3 things.

  1. Has a 3 second delay.
  2. Can hold html tags
  3. Has cookie so alert box doesn’t show again if they navigate back to the page.

Hey Eric, how are things?

Re. your alert question, I wrote an article on how to do pretty much this:

Let me know if you have any questions.

Hello things are good. Thanks for asking. Awesome that looks to be exactly what I need. Let me get to work understanding it. Thanks a lot!

Hello. If I wanted to take a more simple route, is there a way to set a cookie into a javascript alert using the code below? The only html I wanted in the box was one link. I could do without it possibly. Thanks.

<script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout(function(){alert("Hello.")}, 3000);

Yeah man, no reason you can’t do that. Use the method explained in the article but instead of initializing colorbox, just alert your message. It should work exactly the same.

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