List of Web Safe Fonts?


Can someone point me to a good resource that has a list of Web-Safe Fonts for various Browsers and OS’es?


The following websites should be helpful…

I use each of these on a regular occasion. :slight_smile:

Good list. Thanks. I know most off the top of my head but i will bookmark those for future use.

Thx for the links Alex, thats handy to know which ones are more common than others

Black Max wrote an article listing a group of great font stacks to try. Not all the fonts in each stack are web-safe, but they’re reasonably common enough and match up nicely.

Add this website too into your list.
where you can find the wide variety of fonts.

I got a feeling that you’ve misunderstood the purpose of the thread

I agree, though it doesn’t seem to be a one off incident :confused:

The SitePoint book “The Principles of Beautiful Web Design” has a complete list of the web safe fonts that are available if you assume that all of your visitors are running either Windows or Mac OS/X. If you want to support other operating systems then you’d need to cross off any fonts that the additional operating systems don’t support.

The Windows/Mac OS/X list of web safe fonts reads:

arial black
comic sans MS
courier new
times new roman
trebuchet MS

once you go beyond that list you need to start looking for equivalent fonts on the different operating systems so as to list multiple fonts in the hope that your visiotr will have one of them.

That is by no means a “complete list”, There are other font’s can be considered websafe that aren’t listed there. Andale Mono, Bookman Old Style, Century Gothic, Lucida Console, Lucida Sans Unicode, MS Sans Serif, MS Serif, Palatino Linotype, Tahoma and even to a certain extent Helvetica have been included within OS’s (Windows/Mac) for a very long time and I don’t know a web typographer who would claim they cannot be considered as such. :slight_smile:

I was wondering about the substitute fonts, if say I set Verdana as main font and Arial as substitute. Would it be possible to view how the site will look like in Arial font while you still have Verdana?

Really usefull. Thank you.

Basically… no, you would need to remove the Verdana reference from the CSS to test it without such support, though as a piece of advice, both Arial and Verdana are websafe so the chances are Arial would never be called to be implemented as Verdana is as widespread as a font can get :slight_smile:

this is an excellent thread…I went mostly all the collections of fonts…now I dont think I have to look for my choice anywhere else.thanks to all

This is the way you are increasing your post count.
The link I have given is not related to that post?
You go & see the link whether it is useful or not?
Forum is the place where everyone sharing their related interest. isn’t it?
By the way I am being here.

varul, this thread is about web-safe font’s, posting some random font site where you can download generic typefaces which very few people are likely to have installed directly counter-act’s the entire purpose of this thread and what the OP was looking for, no-where did he ask for or need such a website. :rolleyes:

It’s worth remembering that you don’t have to use web safe fonts all the time!

You might decide that one font looks better than any of the web safe fonts, and so as long as you don’t mind the fact that some people will see it in different fonts, it’s perfectly OK to specify, eg

* {font-family:calibri, verdana, sans-serif;}

as long as you have a catch-all description at the end of the list.

Yea but Calibri has an additional disadvantage that it requires cleartype turned on else it’s jagged and practically unreadable, making it’s usage even further inhibited :wink:

Raena, thanks for the citation of my article. I would really love to trim some of those font stacks I provided. :slight_smile:

In general, Arial and Verdana don’t go in the same stacks. Arial and Helvetica are thinner fonts, whereas Verdana is wider. Truncating the two font stacks from the article, I’d do something like:

(the Arial stack)

Calibri, “Liberation Sans”, “Nimbus Sans L”, Tahoma, “Helvetica Neue”, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

(the Verdana stack)

Corbel, “Lucida Grande”, “Lucida Sans Unicode”, “Lucida Sans”, “DejaVu Sans”, “Bitstream Vera Sans”, Verdana, “Verdana Ref”, sans-serif;

Note that the “universal” fonts, Arial and Verdana, go at the back of the stack, not the front. If you list them first, there’s no point in listing the others.

The Vista fonts (Calibri and Corbel) are nicely done, but a bit smaller than their non-Vista counterparts, and require ClearType to appear correctly, so you could toss them without worrying. I am very fond of Segoe UI, which I somewhat ignorantly tossed into the Trebuchet stack (it might go better as an Arial replacement), but it, too, is a Vista font requiring ClearType.

The Lucidas make a nice alternative for Verdana.

Thanks for the list.
I’m also having problem on using and choosing web-safe font.
I’m very used to in using decorative and overkill fonts on banners and such which are not good in business.