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I am currently working on my own framework or base for my future websites but thats a discussion for another topic i made. Now, when i have started, i want to include all the latest and newest website creating ideas, technologies and trends in my own framework. But since i am not active in web desing community, i probably dont have the slightest clue what is new and innovative nowadays and where the design trend will lead us in near future. Maybe you guys can help me out and point me to things you feel is very important to create future proof websites (even if there is no such thing).
Obviously the responsive grid is very important for handling exploding number of different devices that view websites every day. I just found a thing called Foundation and its overwhelming at first glance but i have a feeling it will be a keeper. Bootstrap is, as i understand, a lightweight version of that? I think i have been using it while modifying templates to match my needs.
jQuery is another one that is must-have in websites today. I also have been thinking about includin jQuery UI and of course, there are a lot of plugins that i can add when the functionality is needed in future projects.
Ajax is something that is already widly used but its sometimes also overused. As i have learned making websites with it, it can be good or bad depending on situation but certanly very useful for website functionality it suits for.
Font Awesome is another one that i have been using lately and feel that its very useful for making a website full of beautiful icons.
SCEditor is something i have used in past and i like its style and design. I wonder if there is anything i can replace it with that is more mobile friendly because, as i understand, sceditor is terrible for that.
I wonder if there is a website for free grid layouts that use Foundation?
All ideas, thoughts and discussions are welcome!
Thank you.