
I was just wondering if someone can give me tips on how to develop keywords that the search engines will really like to pick up. With so many choices, how do you choose which ones to use? Which GOOD ones to use…

There are various tools out there you could use. Market Samurai is a keyword tool and has a free trial. Alternatively just grab the newspaper and start reading. Pick our random niches from it. Plug them into the google keyword tool. That gives you an idea of how popular a term is. Then you need to look at your competition. Make sure it is not too fierce.

I agree and just prefer Google adwords tool because it gives much better idea than others.

Keywords are the words that are used to reveal the internal structure of an author’s reasoning. While they are used primarily for rhetoric, they are also used in a strictly grammatical sense for structural composition, reasoning, and comprehension. Indeed, they are an essential part of any language.

There are many different types of keyword categories including: Conclusion, Continuation, Contrast, Emphasis, Evidence, Illustration and Sequence. Each category serves its own function, as do the keywords inside of a given category.

Hi, Keywords should always be of long tail if you want to create a good ranking on Google in small amount of time but remember those long tail keyword should be of your niche and may include common user search factor. For keywords you can use Google webmasters to make things works for you.

Keywords are of many types and it depends upon what purpose do you have for your keyword research. Like… you need different set of keywords for SEO, PPC, Adsense or Affiliate marketing.

To cut down on time and effort, I use a tool called ‘Keyword Country’ to find the right keywords to inject in your content, ads & website structure to reach and influence target audience. I am all for it :slight_smile:

It depends what your site is about. Look at the topic of your website and think of what words people are likely to search for, where your site would fit the bill of what they’re looking for. There’s no point at all in optimising for keywords that aren’t relevant to your site.

Also think about how much competition there is for those words. If there are already lots of very popular sites ranking highly on a particular word, you’ve got an uphill battle to even get on the first page of Google for that word, let alone near the top.

Keyword optimization is the act of researching, analyzing and selecting the best keywords to target to drive qualified traffic from search engines to your website.I am using google adword tool for searching my keyword.I usually select one or two medium-popular keywords or phrases per page. These are my main targets, and I optimize heavily for them. Also uses wordtracker.

There are so many tool available on the web Google keyword suggestion tool is very important. I always use this tool. you have to choose high search volume and low competitive keyword related to your business.