I have three json files (classical.json, rock.json and ragtime.json) at a website, and an html button which allows user to select one. I want to use js fetch to populate data with the json.
But it doesn’t work! I’m new to js fetch because previously I relied on php includes. Why doesn’t this work? Why do I get An error occurred
Well i’m going to go first of all with “because nothing is calling see_more on your webpage”.
If I manually invoke see_more(“ragtime”), your problem is revealed to actually be:
An error occurred: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘’', “{“YT_id”:'mrLFPYENw”… is not valid JSON
So your JSON file is malformed.
Let’s go look at ragtime.json… {"YT_id":'mrLFPYENwOQ', "title":"Gladiolus Rag (Scott Joplin)", "author":'Cory Hall'},
and it’s complaint was specifically:
Unexpected token '''
So… it doesnt like the single quotes around your strings. JSON requires you to use double quotes around strings.
Note: The next thing it’s going to complain about is that your JSON is actually multiple JSON objects. You need to stuff them in an array inside a wrapping object.
that way the parser can fetch and pull down an object, which you can then handle.