JS Audio Toggling Multiple Oscillators

I want to be able to toggle multiple oscillators on and off using click events, and also to only allow single instances at each frequency. The challenge for me is to identify when an oscillator is already playing. I have gone the route of adding a class to the div containing the on/off button, but I don’t think the oscillators I’m creating are linked in any way to the buttons which create them.

Also, I’m using new without assignment, which has been described as “weird” and probably due to bad coding elsewhere.

My code so far is below. Can someone please tell me how to make it work, or point out a better approach to achieving my goal?


var context = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();

function oscillator(frequency){
    this.oscillator = context.createOscillator();
	  this.gainNode = context.createGain();
    this.oscillator.frequency.value = frequency;
		this.playing = true;
		this.off = function(){

	$el = $(this);
		freq = ($(this).data('frequency'));
		new oscillator(freq);

}); // document.ready end

Sample HTML:

   <div class="fork col-xs-4" data-frequency="512">
    <img src="images/fork-icon.png" />
  <div class="fork col-xs-4" data-frequency="128">
    <img src="images/fork-icon.png" />

That is generally taken to be an indication of bad coding these days - there are a number of superior ways to create objects in JavaScript without using new.

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