somone help me in finding why the computer does not play: The user always wins?
let compScore=0;
let playerScore=0;
let count=0;
/* STEP1: create a function computerPlay to
generate a random answer from the three choices
"Rock,Paper or Scissors" */
function computer(){
let ranNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
switch (ranNum) {
case 0:
return "Rock";
case 1:
return "Paper";
case 2:
return "Scissors";
// Now lets create a fuction that prompts the user to enter a selection from the 3!
function player(){
let pSelect = prompt("Rock, Paper or Scissors?");
let selectVal = pSelect.toLowerCase();
return selectVal;
/* STEP2: Make your function’s playerSelection parameter case-insensitive
(so users can input rock, ROCK, RocK or any other variation).*/
/* STEP3: Write a function that plays a single round of Rock Paper Scissors
The function should take two parameters - the playerSelection and
computerSelection - and then return a string that declares the
winner of the round like so: "You Lose! Paper beats Rock" */
function singleRound(computerPlay,playerSelection){
playerSelection = player();
computerPlay = computer();
if (playerSelection === computerPlay) {
return 'It\'s a tie!';
} else if (playerSelection === 'rock') {
if (computerPlay === 'paper') {
return 'Computer wins!';
} else {
return 'You win!';
} else if (playerSelection === 'paper'){
if (computerPlay === 'scissors') {
return 'Computer wins!';
}else {
return 'You win!';
} else if (playerSelection === 'scissors') {
if (computerPlay === 'rock') {
return 'Computer wins!';
} else {
return 'You win!';
/*NOTE THAT: Important note: you want to return the results of this function call,
not console.log() them. To test this function console.log the results: */
/*STEP4: Write a NEW function called game(). Use the previous function inside of
this one to play a 5 round game that keeps score and reports
a winner or loser at the end. call function 5 times or use loop */
function game(){
playerSelection = player();
computerPlay = computer();
do {
// function call for single round
let gameRound;
gameRound = singleRound(computerPlay,playerSelection);
if (gameRound==="Computer wins!"){
} else if(gameRound==="You win!"){
}else {
if (compScore > playerScore){
console.log("COMPUTER WINS!!");
} else if(playerScore > compScore){
console.log("PLAYER WINS!!");
console.log("IT'S A TIE");}
return count;
return playerScore;
return compScore;
// this function should allow for five calls to the single round function
// this function should keep records of scores and returns a winner from the 5 calls