Is these decent connection speeds?

I just tested my internet connection sppeds…
Are these decent?

Download Speed: 2572 kbps (321.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 436 kbps (54.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Just curious if this is average compared to what
other people are getting from their ISP

How much are you paying for it?

I was just trying to know if these are considered
decent compared to what others are connecting at.

That’s really a function of where you are and what you are paying–internet speeds vary alot.

OK…lets make it a fun FYI kinda thing…
I’ll start over…

Hey guys, what are your connections speeds???

Mine are…

Download Speed: 2572 kbps (321.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 436 kbps (54.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Yessir, I know about getting a speed test, which made me wonder
how my connection speeds sompare to what others are using.

Maybe nobody wants to post thier’s for some reason, I dunno

I just posted mine in the last post I made. :slight_smile:

As others have said, speeds vary hugely. I would expect you would choose your speeds when signing up for an account. I started on dialup, then moved to ADSL1, now am on ADSL2. Performance depends on a lot of things, like quality of phone line, distance from the telephone exchange etc.

Some countries have incredibly fast internet–like 100 MB/s. I’m in Australia, where we have pretty poor internet services (although the government is planning to bankrupt the country and roll out a much faster network—which will probably be out of date by the time it is laid). Still, I’m in a big-ish city and with ADSL2 I’m getting 8 mb/s downloads and 800 kbs uploads. That’s a lot less than ADSL can provide, but I have a bad phone line.

So it depends on what you have signed up for and what you are paying. It’s hard to get any decent video streaming at less that 1-2 mb/s download speed, I have found.

If you are in ADSL2 / DSL2 / ADSLMax the worldwide average is around 2MB downstream. Based on what you have posted you are about average (downstream) and higher than average upstream (most people have 256kb up). It’s all down to the quality of your line, how close you are to the phone exchange, how much you pay, whether your on a fixed or “lucid” service (like ADSLMax), basically you are about average… which is OK :slight_smile:

OK, great…

I understand that most any body could pay more and get more speed.
We’re with AT&T and we have the package that is one step above their standard pkg.

Was just curious how our speed was compared to others.
Wasn’t trying to cause any problems or arguments, just curious

Well I get 5MB down at the moment, though it differs depending on what day (im on ADSLMax so it alters regularly depending on the line quality) :slight_smile:

What ralph.m said. They can also vary quite a bit depending on where you are going from. EG, locally I get:

Then, if I got cross-country to LA, I get:

And, crossing the pond, I get:

I’d also add that speed tests are a bit artificial measures in most cases. Really, the key metric is “is my connection fast, responsive and reliable enough so as not to impede my internet usage?”