Is there a web browser that supports HTML and CSS but without images, videos and audio?

I am looking for a web browser that can run at least on Windows 11 and that supports HTML and CSS but without images, videos and audios (no <img> elements are supported, no animations can be played in whatever method, no videos can be played at all and no sound can be played at all, even if the sound does not come from audio elements).

I am not looking for text based web browsers without any CSS at all but to something that supports CSS only for some text ordinality and accessibility.

Is there a web browser that supports HTML and CSS but without images, videos and audio?

Maybe a better approach is to use your regular browser but just disable the things you don’t want to download, such as JS and images (which most browsers let you do).


I would look into as websites must follow must follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA. I know there are text readers for people with disabilities.

Most browsers have a Reader Mode nowadays. See Would that be a solution?

Not for me :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t care building such a web browser for personal use (and will gladly share source code online).

How about this option: a Chrome extension that blocks images and videos? See

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Thank you but I am not looking for a browser extension but to a browser built in that way I have explained on the original post.

I think an explanation as to why such an extension doesn’t do for you would be nice.

I think that it might be nice for another discussion; in this discussion I focus on the topic of the original post.

I think the point is that folk would like to understand your needs and requirements better, in order to try and assist.

After three weeks, nobody has been able to suggest a browser which meets your requirements - and certainly I know of none - so if such a thing does not exist, do you not want any alternative solution? If you do want other ideas, then it would be most helpful to understand why those already suggested are not appropriate for your needs.

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