Does content spun by making use of a software do any good to a business website? Do search engines approve of such spun-content laden websites? Do you have any such experience before?
No it is not good. If your void of fresh ideas then just read 5 articles on the subject. Peice them all together. And in your own words. Spun software will just get you spammed
This is how it works.
If you’re spinning your articles to high PR directory, you have to be very particular about their guideline, where copied content is a strict no. Therefore you end up spinning your articles multiple times. However, you can submit the same articles to low PR directories, to save on money and time. These articles get approved instantly and thus give is advantageous.
A website full of spun-content websites is not going to do well in the search engines (well, at least not in the search engines that really matter).
If you want to do well, do the work and create something that has your own flavor and style.
The short answer is - no.
The long answer is that any effect that spun content will have will be the exact reverse of what you intend. The search engines are now smart enough to recognise spun content as junk and at best will ignore it completely. If they do pay any atention to it then it will be to apply a penalty for displaying junk.
No. of course not! I think people are misunderstanding what “SEO” is all about in the first place. It is not supposing to be some magical thingy to make your website popular fast by spamming links, stealing content, spinning content or whatnot!
Firstly a Search Engine should help people find the content they require, thus the crawlers need to “act” like humans. It is the job of the search engines to filter out low quality content and instead give people the high quality content, which would help them the most. Therefor the content must be unique, well written and comprehendible. If you are searching for a specific article, then you want to be able to read it, don’t you?
Now SEO comes in place in order to make the work of the crawlers less painful. You basically “guide” them through your website and tell them exactly what each specific element represents. That is basically all there is to SEO. Especially Google loves organic growth. I won’t be explaining an awful lot to organic growth, as you can read some articles concerning that topic on other websites as well, which have covered the subject thoroughly.
On the side there are some websites who have never done anything concerning SEO and have nevertheless a high rating as well as are receiving significant traffic due to their quality content.
So if you want to get a good rating on the web, then work on the quality of your content.
It actually depends on the quality of your spun content. The truth is that if you are meticulous enough to ensure that the synonyms that you add to your original document to “spin” it are actually in the right context, you can create multiple 100% human readable articles.
So my answer to your question is “Yes” depending on “how well” the content is spun.
The only way to spin it well enough to get a yes is if you get an actual person to do it. Deleting the original can also help in making sure that the new content is unique.
Believe it or not, there actually is an artificial intelligence spinner which emulates human spinning and works extremely well. I know because I use it myself.
Lets be honest. Everything has already been written 1000 times over and put on the web. Whatever it is you write about is spun to begin with. Human or not.
I hope you know about Google Panda which not allow duplicate or spun content in Google Search. Content is King today and everyone know this. So don’t make any mistake which drop your site ranking on search engines. Once site is gone from search engine due to poor content then it is very difficult to get ranking again on Google or more Search Engines. So only use unique content in your website.
I’ve heard of some SEO companies that ‘super spin’ content and post to the varying content directories, super spinning being spinning a document 3 times so the writing is truly unique… probably easier just to write fresh.
NO NO NO. that’s three big no’s. i did that before and my websites got hit by Panda terribly.
Many of the answers seem to point at the disadvantages of spun content for sure. It is always better for the budding Internet marketer to rely on the services of a good writer to get fresh content written for his or her website.