Is It Possible - Like

Hi, i am thinking about adding a custom built app to my Facebook business page. 1,500 people have liked my business page. It it possible that users can like the app if i add it too OR do users just have the ability to like the business page only, thanks in advance for your help…

I play a lot of games on Facebook, so I know that you can like both the page and the apps.

Excellent, thanks Shyflower…

I understand that is a user likes a facebook business page, that user will see all posts that the business page sends out…

Do you know what the advantages are for the business when a user likes the app… really appreciate any help you can give me on this, thanks in advance…

Obviously when a user likes your app, others get to know about it and hence your app gets more users eventually, its a great marketing strategy if you can really put into use. I don’t really know how you would monetize this “offering app” activity but yes you can grow users on facebook!

It gets interesting with apps when you ask users to give the app permissions. Then you can leverage the Facebook Social Graph to do things like post to their wall about their use of the app. E.g. “Sophie has just read the Pizza Recipe.” or “Bill just increased his knowledge of PHP by completing the advanced quiz.”

Yes, apps can also be liked. Would you mind sharing what it’s about here?

It’s not possible to like an app… you can only like the page that the app is on… anyone who disagrees… prove it :slight_smile:

Okay, I’m confused. First you ask us if it’s possible for people to Like an app, then you disagree with it totally. Well, anyway. Just to support your claim, you can’t like the apps themselves, you’re right. But these apps have their own respective pages as opposed to having just one page as a hub for different apps on Facebook. I hope the screenshot I attached below would be enough proof.

I asked because i didn’t know…and now i know as i posted this over 2 weeks ago :slight_smile: thanks for all your help guys :wink: