I did not really invent a word, i just bought on years ago and i gave it a new meaning.
Basing means: Basing is the process of creating the fundations (or the … basing) for a website. In HTML basing we create the HTML file and style it using CSS 2 & 3.
I started this psd to html service in Holland and now many people are using the term ‘basing’ instead of slicing or another word. But some are starting websites with the term basing in it and they are offering the same services (psd to html).
How can i protect the new meaning of the term ‘basing’? Can i prevent people from starting these competitive websites containing the term basing?
I own the domain www.basing.com.
Well, i may be scared to let it out because you won’t have any control over it. If i get it out, what strategy should i follow, how could i market this?
I assume you would have to trademark the term. Wouldn’t you want the term out there and being used though? Otherwise how will anyone know what it means?
I have to agree, it makes no sense to invent a word that only you know the meaning of and can use. I guess what you could do is apply for a trademark for the term (and the specific meaning it applies too) so you would have creative control over the applicable uses for the word, but in all honesty you would be better off not placing any restrictions upon it, encouraging the words usage and then focus on marketing yourself as the first “basing” organisation (effectively using the term to establish yourself as the pioneers of it). Establishing control over a newly defined word will just diminish it’s usage and result in the “branding” being worthless (as people won’t know or care about it) and you won’t benefit from people looking for the service based on that term.
The word ‘basing’ is already in the dictionary with a quite similar definition. Is there really anything to discuss here?
Basing… I could think of a sexual context for that, PM if you would like to know it
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