Ikiclassified sucks

IKI Classified sucks!

Any body know how to set a network user name and password
for admin on the server for ( IKI Classified ). My user name and password
deleted from admin by mistake, and now I,m trying to
create a new user name /password for admin on server side.

In last 3-weeks, I,m trying to contact ( IKI Classified ),
I get no response. Anybody know about “iki classified” company, or are they still in business.
I do not recommend "IKI classified " script ,
because there are too many
problems with the software and has very poor customer service.

TO: IKI Classified


You are a sorry big liar. I sent above complaint to you and your
help desk over 3-weeks ago, If really, concern about your
clients , you need give answer here , and proof your sincerity.
You are a Big Liar and can Not be trusted.

yups it such… i ever use it

Yep, ikiclassifieds SUCKS ROYAL as I bought the program a month or so ago and have had nothing but problems with it from day one. A lot of things in it do not work the way they should and as far as getting help I found out after purchasing the program the are located in Singapore and it’s hard to get any help at all from them and when you do, they don’t seem to know much more than you do. There is no manual for the program and the only help files are on their website and they really do not explain the program very clearly. I would not recommend anyone purchasing this program. Check around first as I bought another classifieds program for my other classified Ads website last week for only $99 that runs circles around ikiclassified program and is a lot easier to understand and set up.

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This site is for sale now for a huge 160000 dollars…
Buyers must read this review before bidding at flippa.com

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