
I’ve come across soething today that I’ve not worked with before

I’m using some iframe code and looking at it in my page it is appearing as a small box with scrollers on.
I would like it to appear in the whole page.
How does it work with these iframes and why is it showing as a small box.

Salafi BookShop Cardiff Live Events

<iframe allowtransparency="true" src="http://salafiwales.co.uk/wp-content/themes/Chameleon/liveEvents/event.php?id=1"
frameborder="0" height="820" scrolling="no"

Just look at the width and height settings you have. On the first one, it’s much smaller than what you posted:

<iframe class="preview-frame" src="http://salafiwales.co.uk/wp-content/themes/Chameleon/liveEvents/event.php?id=1" height="[COLOR="#FF0000"]240[/COLOR]" width="[COLOR="#FF0000"]320[/COLOR]"></iframe>

You can change those values. It’s best to keep them in proportion, but you can also adjust them until there’s no scrolling.


If you want it to be the whole page just place 100% in the height and width values. If you don’t want scrolling add scrolling=”no” in your iframe tag.

Alternatively, you can use CSS
Overflow: hidden;

Hope that helps,


ahh right, I didn’t realside it was as easy as that. I saw something I never saw before and got scared!!!

Thanks very much, will sort that easy now