How to manipulate array data in smarty

[B]Hi Friends,

I have some data from database Table which must be display as output . I assign the array in PHP page to smarty template…

The array structure I plan to assign to smarty is :
Array ( [publisher] => Array ( [0] => pen books [1] => pen books [2] => Jacks books [3] => May books [4] => Ram books ) [title] => Array ( [0] => For Earners [1] => Bol in glance2 [2] => Dummy For Earners [3] => Bol in glance2 [4] => New man ) [isbn] => Array ( [0] => 8709873689098 [1] => 5495736309876 [2] => 9789873689093 [3] => 9785495789760 [4] => 9781119087441 ) )

I need to get the display output in HTML as :

display output

publisher                                  title                              isbn 
=====                                  ===                             =======
pen books                              For Earners                   8709873689098

jacks books                           Bol in glance2               5495736309876

May books                            Dummy For Earners       9789873689093

Ram books                            New man                       9781119087441

Please give a method to do the things in smarty. I need a solution using foreach or section or both in smarty . Please Give a method to accomplish same in smarty …

Thanks in Advance …

Anes P.A [/B]

[B]Hi Friend,
Any way I take the solution in some other way.
Friend I have a Doubt Regarding Queries, that means
I have a Table named : TEST in mysql.
it has some fields like : mobi_deleted,pub_deleted,pdf_deleted …

according to operation any one of field is updated …
in my php i got a variable , $var , it’s value may be mobi, pub or pdf…

Do I can Write a query like:

UPDATE TEST SET {$var}_deleted = 0;

is this Work properly… Waiting for ur valuable Reply…

Bye Anes


Common, you also try something. Did you try to read the examples in the URL given in my last post?

Did you try something?

$books = array ('publisher' => array ('pen books','pen books', 'Jacks books', 'May books', 'Ram books'), 
                'title' => array ('For Earners', 'Bol in glance2', 'Dummy For Earners', 'Bol in glance2', 'New man'), 
        'isbn' => array (8709873689098, 5495736309876,9789873689093,9785495789760,9781119087441) 
$smarty->assign('books', $books);

And in smarty template:

{$books.publisher[0]}<br />
{$books.title[0]}<br />
{$books.isbn[0]}<br />

Hope this works.

And for the loop, try to see the manual here:

[B]Hi Friend,
Thanks For your Reply. I done as you specified here , But Please Look the array Structure
I given in the Question . I need to change Array structure as u direct , but I seek a solution
with that array without any change in it’s structure.

Thanks For your Reply any way, if you can find a way in this Array structure it’s a nice
thing… :slight_smile:

    array('fax' => '555-222-9876',
          'email' => '',
          'phone' => array('home' => '555-444-3333',
                           'cell' => '555-111-1234')

{$Contacts.fax}<br />
{$}<br />
{* you can print arrays of arrays as well *}
{$}<br />
{$}<br />