How to get rid of a favicon?

I was editing something in the WP blog in the Appearance/Hairstyle option part. I lost internet connection for a while and when reconnected, the Hairstyle option page has got a favicon from the restaurant I was sitting in. I want to delete it now, but where should I go? Register? What should I look for?

Which browser do you use?


Delete file {%APPDATA%}\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Favicons
This will force Chrome to rebuid favicons cache


This will probably affect all favicons? But on the end all will be as before , except for this new favicon?

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Chrome will make new request for each favicon again, so you shouldn’t lose anything except that wrong icon

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What’s the whole path for this? Hkey current user…?

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It depends on your OS.
{%APPDATA%} is where all applications store their data on your system drive

No, this is a file system path, not registry one

OK, I found the file, but was not able to delete it, because the “file is in use” and it did not work even if I closed the Chrome, restarted, etc.

But I was able to reset the file back to the 1 week old version, and the favicon has gone.

Now I can answer some question about nutrients if you want.

:smile: Thanks, I’ll keep it on mind

it helped me too

Thanks for i am also want solution for this question and finally i’ll get from here.

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