How to Build New site on web

Hello Everyone,

I’m new on this forum. I’m planning to build two website for my healthcare Business,I am not fully IT professional and expert in any web language but I can try myself. I have good knowledge in WordPress,HTML also have some experience in JavaScript. I just wanted to know where i need start working on new website,Please help me to start my new journey on web.


I do not see how you can " I have good knowledge in WordPress,HTML also have some experience in JavaScript." and not know how to build a website.

Anyway > purchase a domain name > purchase some hosting space ( I would go with normal shared hosting ) > Upload your site to the server and alter you DNS settings to point to the hosting/server space.


Hello Steve,

Since you already have a solid idea on how the web works, I’ll skip to the real deal.

First, you need to purchase a domain name. There are thousands of domain websites out there, make sure you choose a highly trusted one.

The next step is to draw an outline of how you want your website to look. Having a sketch will make it easier to build. If you have troubles in laying out a design, hire a UI/UX designer to help you out.

Since you have a good knowledge of Wordpress, HTML and Javascript, you can easily build your front-end template. For the database, Wordpress has a way of doing that. It is usable with MySQL or phpMyAdmin. Take some tutorials online on this.

If you want to design your website from scratch without using WordPress, it is still possible. You can get a free template online on how the front-end of your website should look like. For the database design, you can use frameworks for. Django and Laravel are great options.

I personally use the Django framework.

So the choice is yours. I Hope I’m able to your question to your satisfaction.

Thanks Rubble for useful reply,I have already purchased Domain and hosting and regarding my experience I don’t have practical experience in website building that’s why i have posted my query for help.


Thank you so much unclesherlock for sharing useful information, You have shared the best information for any starter guy like me who doesn’t have practical experience in website building, Would you share some video link where i can get the information more in depth.I wish you could find some videos links for me.


GetStarted here!

Also, TheNewBoston has great tutorials.

I highly recommend reading books rather than watching videos, then you’ll follow a logical, step-by-step process, and have chapters to refer to later on. For instance, there are a few books from Sitepoint that come highly regarded on this page:[]=Book&slugs[]=htmlcss&states[]=available&order=&ref_source=sitepoint&ref_medium=topnav

Try: Build Your Own Website The Right Way Using HTML & CSS, 3rd Edition

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I think the most important thing is to plan the website accordingly, meaning choosing the right navigation points, providing a “speaking” URL naming etc.

The website building is not an easy task but if you have knowledge of languages you can do it certainly. As already you have purchased the domain and hosting. There could be two options either to develop on html or word press. Since you are doing for the first time we do understand it will take time. You can start doing with html. The templates are available.

I would suggest you to develop on Dreamweaver as it will become easy in future once you start on it. Do use java script and j query for more brushing up your knowledge. Keep clear which template you want for your healthcare website. There are many templates available on themeforest. E commerce website are better if they are made on CMS. you can get all the code from w3schools site. all the best.

Thanku for sharing the Book link, I would definitely use this book for building my site.

Thanku for sharing useful thought, I would really appreciated your effort.


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