How do I run my own free domain/dns service in php?


I am curious to know how can I run my own service that offers free domain and dns service just like does?

Any help will be appreciated.


The ‘technology’ you use is irrelevant. There are numerous legal. business, and regulatory factors you must navigate in order to provide TLD or DNS.

Additionally, to provide these services for FREE means you must be a philanthropist.

Here is the first hit from a quick Google search.

You are misunderstanding what is being offered there a bit.

What is being offered is free _sub_domains.

“cc” is the TLD
“cu” is the domain
“registry” is a subdomain.

The first step is to purchase the domain you want to offer free sub-domains of.

In the case of the subdomains on offer free the company offering them is leasing the domain from the Cocos (Keeling) Islands domain authority and the sub-domains they offer will only be available as long as they continue to pay for the domain and the domain authority doesn’t change the criteria on who can own one of their country specific domains to exclude them.

If the domain you want to offer subdomains from is a country specific one (two characters) then you will be subject to any conditions imposed by the domain authority for that country. An international TLD (3 or more characters after the last dot) usually have fewer conditions.

If you actually wish to use your own TLD rather than any of those already issued then ICANN require a $185000 evaluation fee with no guarantee that you will actually obtain the domain - how much more than that the domain will actually cost will depend on whether anyone else is trying to get the same TLD.

Thanks for all your replies guys.

I am sorry for the confusion my question has created.

I am going to rephrase my question.

Suppose I already own a domain

I want to offer a free sub-domain service to my users so that they can have a sub-domain like also they should be able to update DNS similar to what offers.

How can I do it?

Many thanks in advance.

have a look at Apache VHOSTS

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