How do I emulate orientation in device view on chrome?

I am trying to work out my media queries and need to be able to test orientation with different device widths, but I can’t figure out how to have it emulate orientation. I found the orientation section in the sensors tab, but selecting different orientations seems to do nothing.

I use to test my media queries in both orientations. You might find that tool useful.

can it test local or uploaded files? I Appreciate you sharing this, and will definitely use it in the future, but at the moment I am trying to work on files located on my computer.

Just click the little phone icon that has round arrows along its side and it will switch the view.

However all you need to do is open your window on the desktop and close it smaller and smaller and you will emulate all device widths.

You should not be basing your media queries on some imaginary device width but on the requirements of the design.

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