How are large projects developed?

I just wanted to know how do industries like Google, Adobe, Autodesk, Microsoft develop large websites/ softwares/ apps etc… I’m vague about how these people combine these projects later and make it one combined project?

I also wanted to know how these people work, What I mean to say is that lot of programmers like to work remotely, so how do they do it? Do they have a software for that which maintains all their code? or they use private servers to manage?



This is too large area to discuss, better is to ask them :smiley:

Btw for any project you do first you need to make a very good plan and organize all because that is hardest and lets say 70% of that project. When you have project then its easy to split project on sections where every developer will make something else, like in factory for example ( making cell phones ). Every worker works and testing 1 part, and on the end its all put together and tested out. Same is with all.


The question is a little vague. Different kinds of applications are developed different ways, but when you have a lot of moving pieces, then it takes a lot of people to develop those pieces. Each person can work on a tiny piece of it at a time.

lot of programmers like to work remotely, so how do they do it?

Working remotely is just like working in an office. People communicate, collaborate, and work together. Slack is a pretty popular chat tool, but a lot of companies use video chats and virtual whiteboarding as well. A lot of times, if you’re in an office together you usually end up talking to eachother through the same methods you talk to remote workers, so it doesn’t make a difference.

Where I work has a combination of both. I work in an office, but I have an option of working from home. We have a handful of people on my project working remotely and of my team of 4, one of us works remotely from a different state. We use Google Hangouts, Hipchat, and Discord to talk with her.

Some companies don’t promote remote work culture at all. I believe Google, Facebook, or Amazon strongly promote on-site work for whatever reason. There are benefits to both.

Do they have a software for that which maintains all their code? or they use private servers to manage?

Yes, source control is key to any dev shop. We use private GitHub repositories for all of our code, so everything is cloud hosted. I really like that, because I can lay in bed and do code reviews or merge pull requests.

A lot of companies host code in-house and you are need to connect to a VPN before you can use whatever source control solution they use. This increases security, but it really sucks for developer engagement because it’s a hassle.


I agree with all that had been written above. And I just want to add that all these huge companies with their large projects were not built on one day. They have started with a much smaller functionality and each day they are making it better and bigger. And each new idea first should be scrupulously researched, then planned and maybe some other steps, and only then the development starts.


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