Help needed for simple change


I am using a slideshow on a blog site I am making. At the moment I have it displaying on all pages apart from the home page.

I want it only on the home page though.

I know its a simple process of putting some declarations somewhere but I am hopeless at PHP…if someone could tell me what I need to do I would be very thankful.

Here is the code which calls the slidehsow on the pages:

<?php if (is_home()) { } Else { ?> 

<div class="nivoSlider">
  <img src="" title="hello" />
  <img src="" title="test" />
  <img src="" title="dudes" />
  <img src="" title="test 2" />

 <?php } ?>

Do I need to put the HTML in between the { } ?

If so what pho tags do i need to do?

Remove “} Else {” from the code :slight_smile:

Thank you so much!!!


CSS and HTML is second nature to me, but PHP is so confusing.

Do you have any good resources where I can learn easily and quickly?

The PHP tutorial on w3schools isn’t half bad. If you’d rather read a book I hear [url=]Build Your Own Database Driven Web Site Using PHP & MySQL from Kevin Yank is very good.