Help Needed: Template Issue - Other Pages Not Displaying Correctly

Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on creating a custom tool-based website template. The homepage is displaying correctly, but I’ve run into a problem where content for other pages (such as static pages and individual posts) doesn’t show up on their respective pages. Instead, the homepage content seems to appear across all pages.

Here’s a brief overview of what I’ve tried so far:

  1. Used <b:section> tags to define different content areas.
  2. Added conditional logic (b:if) to distinguish between data:blog.pageType for index, item, and page.
  3. Verified that the layout sections were set up properly in the Blogger Dashboard.

Despite these efforts, the homepage content still shows up on all pages, and the actual content for static pages or posts doesn’t appear.

Am I missing something fundamental in how Blogger handles templates, or is there a specific step I need to take to ensure content shows up on its respective page type?

Any guidance, suggestions, or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Here’s a snippet of my template structure:

Is anyone here to help I am eagerly waiting for a reply :pray:

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