Haiku riddles

How about a new game?

You can participate in two ways:

  • post a riddle of your own
  • post an answer to someone else’s riddle

The rules are simple:

  1. The riddle has to be in the form of a haiku, that is 3 lines, the first and last line 5 syllables, the line in the middle 7 syllables (5 - 7 - 5).
  2. There is no need to follow the traditional haiku ‘content rules’ (season word, contrast of two concepts). It would complicate matters a bit too much for a fun game :smiley:
  3. Of course all SP forums rules apply, so choose the subject (and the text) of your riddle wisely.
  4. No need to wait for the solution before posting a riddle of your own.
  5. When you post the answer to a riddle, quote that riddle in your answer.

I’ll start off with the first riddle:

A dark cloudy sky
Brings an end to heat and dust
Lazy rivers grow

errr… Autumn?

Nope :slight_smile:
But it sure is something you see in that season.



Anyone having an attack of creativity? Please post another haiku-riddle!

cold trail behind me
a cabbage leaf calls ahead
my burden to bear

(hope I got that right)



Spring is in the air
Flowers are blooming sky high
Children are laughing :smiley:

A donkey?

The solution is Spring?

donkeys are very big
i’m but a small animal
please guess one more time

Wow you even give your hints in haiku form, that’s great!

A snail?

Snail is correct!

Another one:

Red yellow and green
Only gold for Hercules
The dentist loves it


No. Why did you think cones?

Dunno, it’s what first came to mind. The things dentists use for root canal looks like a cone and they exist in three colors.

I’ll try again. Apples? Dentists love those too. And they exist in those colors.

I’m probably way off again…

Apples is correct :slight_smile:

I’ll think about a more difficult one…

More difficult? I didn’t even think about apples at all .)

I’ve got one:

Bigfoot on alert
He just had to catch that snitch!
An unsolid state