Google is in the process of updating

It seems like everybody is seeing changes but me.

I haven’t had one site showing a change yet.

My two sites
went from 3 to 4.

OK now I’m seeing changes, but only in IE not Firefox.

I also jumped from 0 to 5 on one of my sites :google:

I’m happy with the numbers, but as always, they don’t mirror the SERPs. Having PR seems to give your site some credibility if nothing else though, so that’s a plus.

Mine went from 3 to 4. Very nice if you asked me :slight_smile:

I don’t know if it’s just me (or just you), but it shows me as a 6 there.

curious, i see you as a 7 (as well as the first site listed).

That is weird. I see PR7/6/6/6(me). Google is messing with our minds.

Thread stuck for a little while, hopefully to stem the tide of OMG PR IS UPDATING I’M GONNA BE RICH!!!111 threads.

People are pulling PR data from different datacenters, which are in different states of update. This is no different than previous updates. In several days it will all stablize out.

Yes, I realize this, but then that means that quenting’s pulling data from about five or six months ago… his directory’s showing my PR7 from that time period. I believe my directory has been showing PR6 since at least January. Just odd.


Are you sure it’s going to change?

My GBB site went up to a 5, for what it’s worth (which is nothing).

Darn it. One of the sites that was ignored by Google (or stuck in the sandbox) until January is still stuck on PR1. :frowning: I get a thousand visitors a month from Yahoo! alone and Google is just ignoring this site - even with me placing links to it very carefully.


true, some new links in my site didn’t get PR while the older ones went from 0 to 2 (the site went from 2 to 3), on my other site the main is still 5 but some other sections are 4 now n_n

Just checking on backlinks and compare it to PR. One of my competitors in one area lost his PR6 down to a PR5. My own site now shows now 250 backlinks more than what he has (I am using Marketleap’s tool). My own site stayed on PR5.

So, making a conclusion out of this - does Google put new measures in place to decide what PR a site gets?



Thanks guys for this thread. I had been wondering when my new blog network would get ranked but had not checked for a couple days.

Just got a PR 4 and the blog is only 1 month old. It’s #1 on all the search engines for “affiliate blogs” and in the 5-20 for “SEO blogs” so I was hoping the PR out of the gate would be good with all the traffic and syndication I already have.

I’m thrilled since my main site which I work the hell out of promoting is still only a PR5.

WHOOHOO! :slight_smile:

None of my websites are showing any change and none of the new ones have PR!

If you’re frist for “affiliate blogs”, then you should just watch the traffic come in. Watching the toolbar won’t get you anywhere, since it doesn’t actually affect your rankings.

The Directory is updating too so that is probably why people see some different things.