Getting started with building your own wordpress themes?

Does anybody here know of a good tutorial series where I can get started with building my own wordpress themes? I have found some that are from 2008 and 2009. I’m not sure if I can trust anything that old.

If you have built your own series, where and how did you get started?

I cannot get myself to use ready made themes as I find no job satisfaction doing that. I don’t like it and would rather code my own. Good with HTML/CSS and ok with PHP. Hoping I can use that base to get started!

Thanks in advance! is a good place to start

I believe sitepoint has its own series of video tutorials.
And books that deal w/wp as well.

And i really think video tutorials would be a lot more helpfull in getting you up to speed than roaming your way trough the codex.
I also use, it has some good intro & advanced tuts for wp and I think it is quite affordable.

& invaluable is of course youtube.
easy dev usually had more wp but now i think he incorporated it w/other stuff like bootstrap
chirs coyers has
Not updated recently but still good info

non wp realted but helpfull is & adam khoury

no horse name morbid ever won a race…or so they say. you might want to change your handle :slight_smile:

I checked out the Build Your Own Wicked WordPress Themes on learnable and its from 2010. Do you guys reckon that would be any good?

I’d imagine so, have not seen the learnable tuts myself. The core info for wp i think is reasonably unchanged. & it should be a good intro.
you can also follow up after you are done with other tutorials if that doesn’t answer your questions.
& you’d better know what to ask as well for other possible issues.