From novice to pro

I had a question about the javascript books. Are they any beginners here that followed some javascript tutorials from this website and what is your experience?

Did you track your progress? And what kind of side projects you did to improve.

Hi izildopimentel welcome to the forum

Based on as long as I’ve been writing JavaScript I don’t consider myself as a beginner (based on quality might be a different story :wink:)

My first JavaScript book was a “dummies” so I can’t give an opinion on how SitePoint books and tutorials would be for someone with absolutely no JavaScript experience. But I did find them early on and had no trouble following and learning from them.

Side projects? At first they were “stupid JavaScript tricks” - marquees, message boxes, etc. that served no real purpose but did help give me some insight on how to write code. One of my first useful projects was putting together a form input validator that gave helpful error messages that were not alerts.

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