I am wondering what workflow most freelance web designers usually follow. I am looking for a general workflow, but if you use WordPress specifically, that would be extra helpful.
This is an example workflow of what I am looking for (I just made this up):
I would say that your list is pretty much in a good order as is. I will re write my own here but it’s pretty similar:
Send proposal to prospective clients, writing a specific proposal for the project
Agree on exact deliverables (what plug ins/dynamic content/original photos etc they will need), payment, licensing (can you use on your portfolio etc), and anything else relevant
Research / Sketches / Mockups
Create/collect artwork, branding elements and design site
Turn PSD/HTML website to Wordpress and upload to test server
Review with client making necessary revisions
Upload to live server
Collect any remaining payment
This is a general list for creating a Wordpress site for a client, however it definitely varies project to project.
Agreed. Ideally, you should have breakpoints all along the way where you would get paid for the work up to that point. If they decide not to go on with the project for any reason, you already got paid for what you did. Don’t wait til the very end to get paid.
Nothing like experience to be the true authority, but what I’ve learned from auto-mechanics work seems similar i.e.
double it and add 10%
i.e. it always takes longer than you think it will