Free tools

Ive come accross some free keyword & other useful tools, hope they are of interest to someone.
digital point keyword tool
keyword navigation tool by Resultzzs
free keyword tool by wordstream
wordtracker/keyword discovery
keyword discovery
google wonderwheel
keyword spy
google adwords keyword tool
kk smarts adwords keyword match

Ok but have you used any of them, and if so are they any good? Or which ones are bad?

Pls post something more meaningful than just a list of names that any of us could find from searching on Google.

Sorry , I thought these may be usefill . the one I prefer is Resultzzs, but I have used Google wonderwheel, & word stream.

yes good tools i’m using only one tool google keywords suggestion tool and it will be very helpful to suggest right keywords and if you using this type of any tool so you can get same result