For grins and giggles. My weekend projects. Feedback welcome on the poker app

Hello all. So along w/cleaning house (boring) learning php (challenging) I took some time to work on a blender tracking project, first one…makes me think of the type of artistry that ed woods brought to film making when he put two paper plates together, painted them silver and used a fishing pole to “fly” them.

But now that it is out of my system I still learned something & can go on to the next one. I used to start projects & never finish them…now I am making a point of finishing them…feel free to laugh or cry at it.

& two…working on an app w/a friend of mine. He is the coder, i am doing UI. only have had a total of about six hours to work on it so far w/no poker experience, and he’d like to have this done tomorrow.
would love some feedback,especially if from poker players.

and with social media goodness

I know nothing about poker but it certainly looks pretty slick!


Thank you!
As it is it looks like it might not go anywhere. The friend who wanted it & was doing the coding said he doesn’t think he can make the deadline.
Well at least I had fun :slight_smile:
now back to php & 3d stuff.