Dynamic URL-Rewriting

hi , newbie here … but i need to ask something to finish my php project . here’s the situation: I’m creating a social media app project, just to test my knowledge on native php language ,the problem is I dont want to see my url just like this-> http://socialmedia.com/home.php ,and I want to see it like this → http://socialmedia.com/home . I know how to make the basic url-rewriting , actually I made that simple one . but , I want my .htaccess to be flexible , whatever the url is requesting . in that case , .htaccess will rewrite all url with .php extension name . thanks for the help :smile:

Hi @peggypenny06, welcome to SitePoint. There was a discussion on this topic just a few days ago: https://www.sitepoint.com/community/t/url-rewriting-with-htaccess/226439. Check that out and see if it helps you at all.

You can also try the search feature on this forums to find other threads on this topic, and of course there are also people here who would be happy to help you out if you get stuck.

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