Does anyone know why mysql is currently discourage

I was just doing some snooping and found out that the basic mysql_ functions are currently discouraged, I’m surprised but also a bit worried by this. I have many sites which use that API to connect to my database. I also have a few that I was planning on using that API with.

I’m curious as to why it is currently discouraged. Are they planning on making it invalid in a future version? I did some searching on youtube but all I could find are old articles of people asking for mysql help from 2007 and beyond. I am extremely curious about this since I am so deeply in bed with mysql_ and changing my old sites over to mysqli_ or PDO_Mysql would be incredibly time consuming.

Any thoughts suggestions etc.

P.S - what’s the word for when a method becomes obsolete? I believe it starts with a D. Cant quite remember.

[google]why are mysql functions deprecated?[/google] :wink:

Thank you so much, that one word was the sole reason why I couldn’t find what I was looking for on google. After your search I was able to come across this.

Im still very upset about this change but at least I will have plenty of time. From now on Ill most likely be using Mysqi since it seems to offer more. The only thing I didn’t understand is this quote here “API supports client-side Prepared Statements”. PDO supports it but mysqli does not. Time to start researching.

Prepared Statements with MySQLi:

Thank you so much, that one word was the sole reason why I couldn’t find what I was looking for on google.

Yes, its always the way isn’t it… its amazing how understanding the naming of things can screen you out from learning. The more you learn the more your vocab becomes specialized, until you sound as though you are becoming geeky, but its the same no matter what your interests/work in life are.

“API supports client-side Prepared Statements”

Don’t put this off, you will sleep better at night if you understand and implement it.

Carve out some time and make sure you have a play with all this stuff.