Conditional COUNT in MySQL

I’ve got a big query where I SELECT SUM(column) which is grouped by another column… I also want to select the number of rows that equal a certain value. I don’t want to exclude those not matching from the sum function (so its not just a WHERE clause) I just want to COUNT if they are equal to a particular value (rather like COUNTIF in excel). Is there a built in SQL function for this? Otherwise I’ll have to do a separate query for each one and do mysql_num_rows, which would take extra time.


lost in space

could you give an example of what you’re doing and what you want?

sum(case when <yourCondition> then <yourColumn> else 0 end)

thanks swampboogie, works fine as I want to count when the value is one… but if I need any other number I just have to divide by that number at the end to get the real amount.
e.g. sum(case when column=3 then column/3 else 0 end) gives the number of rows which have the value 3

could you give an example of what you’re doing and what you want?

MySQL does have an IF statement, and it looks like it can be used in COUNT statements, like so:

SELECT COUNT(IF(column=3,1,NULL)) AS Count
FROM table GROUP BY othercolumn

I used the number 3 as an example.

I haven’t actually tested this SQL, though.

Edit: Mysql’s IF() works like this:
IF(expression, return this if expression is true, return this if expression is false)

CASE would be better, because it’s standard sql, and is portable to other databases

SELECT COUNT(case when column=3 then 937 else NULL end)) AS Count
FROM table GROUP BY othercolumn


Thanks everyone, I’ve learnt something today!