Chat with php socket server


I’m working on a flash based chat. And now I come to the step I have no more idea. How can I create an online list and how can I make so that your nickname is added to the message.

This will be a multi-room chat.

The code is added below is taken from something I found on the net. With some modifications.

Hoping for quick answer:)

Server.php - Socket server script

$address = "";
$port = "1234";
//Dont time out
//Send message function
function send_Message($allclient, $socket, $buf) {
foreach($allclient as $client) {
socket_write($client, "$socket wrote: $buf");
//Start socket creation
if (($master = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP)) < 0) {
echo "socket_create() failed, reason: " . socket_strerror($master) . "\
socket_set_option($master, SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
if (($ret = socket_bind($master, $address, $port)) < 0) {
echo "socket_bind() failed, reason: " . socket_strerror($ret) . "\
if (($ret = socket_listen($master, 5)) < 0) {
echo "socket_listen() failed, reason: " . socket_strerror($ret) . "\
$read_sockets = array($master);
while (true) {
$changed_sockets = $read_sockets;
$num_changed_sockets = socket_select($changed_sockets, $write = NULL, $except = NULL, NULL);
foreach($changed_sockets as $socket) {
if ($socket == $master) {
if (($client = socket_accept($master)) < 0) {
echo "socket_accept() failed: reason: " . socket_strerror($msgsock) . "\
} else {
array_push($read_sockets, $client);
} else {
$bytes = socket_recv($socket, $buffer, 2048, 0);
if ($bytes == 0) {
$index = array_search($socket, $read_sockets);
$allclients = $read_sockets;
send_Message($allclients, $socket, $buffer);
//Close all


Action script 2.0 - Chat client

mySocket = new XMLSocket();
mySocket.onConnect = function(success) {
   if (success) {
      msgArea.htmlText += "<b>Server connection established!</b>";
   } else {
      msgArea.htmlText += "<b>Server connection failed!</b>";
mySocket.onClose = function() {
   msgArea.htmlText += "<b>Server connection lost</b>";
XMLSocket.prototype.onData = function(msg) {
   msgArea.htmlText += msg;
mySocket.connect("", 1234);
function msgGO() {
   if (inputMsg.htmlText != "") {
      inputMsg.htmlText = "";
pushMsg.onRelease = function() {

Not sure with the current implementation. But this is very much possible using Streaming server and flash application.