Can I Add A Link To My Website While Replying To A Post Or Posting A New Thread?


I am a new member at Sitepoint.I am aware that adding a signature is not possible before I am three months old.I was wondering if I could add a link to my website while replying to a post or posting a new thread?Could you please spare me a few seconds and provide me with the information I require.


Not unless that link is specifically useful for answering a question in a thread. So no gratuitous self-promotional links are allowed.

No you can’t, the only place where you can put a link to your own site is in the signature.

Thanks for your confirmation guido 2004.In that case I would like to ask you how do I promote and market my website here for the first three months.Could you please care to explain?Thanks.

You don’t ;). That’s not what this site is for. It’s for discussing issues related to web design. If you are here to promote yourself, you are wasting your time. It won’t be allowed. You could try the SitePoint Marketplace instead. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your advice.I suppose I have to wait for three months.

Yes, three months before you can add a signature … but you will never be allowed to “promote and market” your website here, so to speak—beyond a signature link that only logged-in users will see, and which are no-follow links, so that Google ignores them. So I say again, you are not here to promote or market yourself in any real sense. Thousands have come here before you to promote and market their sites, and now they reside in the dingy tomb of “banned members”—a truly miserable “banned of brothers”, so to speak.