Be apps developer or web developer?

Do you think Apps will be a replacement for Website? To visit facebook, you can either login through browser or direct go to Facebook apps. In others words, all sites over the web can be switch into apps.

If everyone using apps, is web developer going to lose their jobs?

It think there’s a space for both and I don’t think that web developers will die in the same way that app developers will die. The number of devices accessing specific functionality from a website creates the need of an application but that doesn’t mean that the whole site needs to be embedded in an application.

I raise this question, because I have few friend long time never login to web base facebook. Mobile user keep increasing, apps is using widely; may be it wont be happen now, but it is quite possible for next 5 years.

Adobe Flash also never expected to lose their market share.

It is always possible but like every other business there are cycles. App programmers will be on high demand from now onwards but that cycle will end and it will be back to old stuff. Example: the cloud. Now everyone thinks that it is a great idea to have their site in the cloud and businesses store lots of data in the cloud. Now, some years ago this was also a tendency since it was a money saver for companies, yet at some point they went back to buy their own servers and to build intranets.

Agree with you, when flash become a hit, the demand for AS3 is high. Now the cycle end, the demand drop.

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I very much doubt web design will die, at least not in the next decade or two. Firstly, many people dislike small screens for a number of reasons, be they due to health, age, or simply preference. Secondly, many people work on computers, not just web designers/developers, but normal 9-5 workers, scientists, students (the list is endless). Every office/bureau or institution needs computers (laptop or desktop). Not to forget gamers. Plenty of gamers prefer playing on their PC rather than on some small device or a console.

And I’ve barely scratched the surface, there are so many more examples and reasons why web sites are—and will be—anything but obsolete for quite a while to come.