I am trying to make some divs to expand dynamically as content gets added, basically I have a div that contains 3 divs, the main div has a background color and has no height set to it as content height varies however I want the background color to expand to the height of the content and I haven`t been able to do so unless I set a height for the main div.
Bellow is my CSS
.cCHeader { // this is the main container
background-color: #52E1EC;//this is the background color that I wish to expand dynamically
border-top: 3px solid;
.cCLogo {//this is the first sub-container
background-image: url("calmecac.png");
background-position: left top;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
height: 150px;// as of now is set but this height will vary
margin-top: 0;
.cCHeaderC {//this is the second sub-container
height: 150px;// as of now is set but this height will vary
.cCUserDetails {//this is the third sub-container
background-color: #F78129;
height: 150px;// as of now is set but this height will vary
margin: 0;
position: relative;
right: -35px;
And this is the HTML markup
<div class="container_24 cCHeader" >
<div class="grid_9 alpha cCLogo" >
<div class="grid_10 cCHeaderC" >
<div class="grid_5 omega cCUserDetails" >
<h1 class="cCHello" >Hi Tlacaélel Ramón Luis!</h1>
<div >
<a href="http://calmecac.coatlcalli.com/user/profile.php?id=2">
<img class="cCUserImage" width="55" height="55" title="Picture of Tlacaélel Ramón Luis Flores Cabrera" alt="Picture of Tlacaélel Ramón Luis Flores Cabrera" src="http://calmecac.coatlcalli.com/pluginfile.php/13/user/icon/f1">
<p class="cCUserMenuPL">
<a href="http://calmecac.coatlcalli.com/user/profile.php?id=2">My profile</a>
<a href="http://calmecac.coatlcalli.com/login/logout.php?sesskey=HFweVHncxd">Logout</a>
<div class="cCLanguageSelector">
<form id="single_select_f4e40f7fc3d398" action="http://calmecac.coatlcalli.com/theme/index.php" method="get">
<label for="single_select4e40f7fc3d3de">
<span class="accesshide ">Language</span>
<select id="single_select4e40f7fc3d3de" class="select menulang" name="lang">
<option value="en" selected="selected">English (en)</option>
<option value="es">Español - Internacional (es)</option>
<option value="es_mx">Español - Mexico (es_mx)</option>
Any help is apreciated