Articles PHP section is idle for almost 12 months

I CAN’T believe that the PHP section has been idle for almost 12 months!

Anyone, do something!

Well, I have to code a form submission for my new site. I have some code that tests using RegEx’s, but I’m sure I’ll have to address some errors over in this section very soon.

There’ve been 6 threads active in the PHP section in the last 24 hours.

I may be wrong, but I believe @TaylorRen is referring not to the forum category but to SitePoint Articles

There’s something other than the forums on this site? :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve moved the post and edited the title to avoid further confusion. smile

IIRC, SitePoint was moving to a model where they had a month on one topic - e.g. JavaScript - then a month on another, and so forth. I’m not sure if that’s still the plan. Perhaps @AngelaP can provide more information.


Hi everyone!

@TechnoBear is right, a majority of our publishing schedule will be focused on a certain topic every cycle, which right now is predominantly about front end topics.

But that does not preclude us from doing other topics, if there is a good idea / interest in it. We’re actually currently doing a pitch call-out, so if anybody is interested in writing for us, let me know directly. Or if you’re shy, you can fill out this form :slight_smile:


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