Adobe Muse Contact Form - The server encountered an error

Hi there, I know there have been a few topics with this subject but I still can’t get it to work.
I tried fixing it using the topics from here and here but I still get the error.
If I record the process, the browser dev tool (uform.php) gives me no data, it’s blank.
The Server is running PHP 5.7.
Automailer is in the scripts folder and I edited the form_process.php like this:

require 'PHPMailer-5.2.13/PHPMailerAutoload.php';
	$mail = new PHPMailer;
	$mail->Host = '';
	$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
	$mail->Username = 'email';
	$mail->Password = 'password';
	$mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl';
	$mail->Port = '465';  

	$mail->From = $form_email;
	$mail->FromName = $form_email;

	$mail->Subject = $subject;
	$mail->Body = $message;

	$sent = $mail->send();
	echo $mail->ErrorInfo;

I could really use some help, been trying to fix this for weeks.

Have you turned on error logs or checked your error logs? Half the time, your error logs will be filled with errors if the page goes blank.

Total guess, is this a typo?

$mail->From = $form_email;

should it be $from_email ?

What logs do you mean? Where can I find them?
I was hoping to get some kind of information with “echo $mail->ErrorInfo;”
But don’t know where to find it.
btw here is the site:

tried the form > from switch, but that didn’t fix it :slight_smile:

I don’t know Muse, but when I look at the page source the form fields seem to be called custom_U9071, Email and custom_U9081. Presumably there’s some code somewhere that converts those into the variables you are using in the mail code? It’s strange that your form seems to have fields for Name, Email and Message, but your code is using email, to, subject and message fields.

Would it help, pasting the whole process.php?

Can’t hurt. It’s all a bit guesswork at the moment as we can’t see where your variables have come from.

This is the form_process.php

If you see this text in your browser, PHP is not configured correctly on this hosting provider. 
Contact your hosting provider regarding PHP configuration for your site.

PHP file generated by Adobe Muse CC 2018.1.0.385

function process_form($form) {

	// will die() if there are any errors
	// will die() if there is a send email problem

function get_form_error_response($error) {
	return get_form_response(false, array('error' => $error));

function get_form_response($success, $data) {
	if (!is_array($data))
		die('data must be array');
	$status = array();
	$status[$success ? 'FormResponse' : 'MusePHPFormResponse'] = array_merge(array('success' => $success), $data);
	return json_serialize($status);

function check_required_fields($form) {
	$errors = array();

	foreach ($form['fields'] as $field => $properties) {
		if (!$properties['required'])

		if (!array_key_exists($field, $_REQUEST) || ($_REQUEST[$field] !== "0" && empty($_REQUEST[$field])))
			array_push($errors, array('field' => $field, 'message' => $properties['errors']['required']));
		else if (!check_field_value_format($form, $field, $properties))
			array_push($errors, array('field' => $field, 'message' => $properties['errors']['format']));

	if (!empty($errors))
		die(get_form_error_response(array('fields' => $errors)));

function check_field_value_format($form, $field, $properties) {
	$value = get_form_field_value($field, $properties, $form['resources'], false);

	switch($properties['type']) {
		case 'checkbox':
		case 'string':
		case 'captcha':
			// no format to validate for those fields
			return true;

		case 'checkboxgroup':
			if (!array_key_exists('optionItems', $properties))
				die(get_form_error_response(sprintf($form['resources']['invalid_form_config'], $properties['label'])));

			// If the value received is not an array, treat it as invalid format
			if (!isset($value))
				return false;

			// Check each option to see if it is a valid value
			foreach($value as $checkboxValue) {
				if (!in_array($checkboxValue, $properties['optionItems']))
					return false;

			return true;

		case 'radiogroup':
			if (!array_key_exists('optionItems', $properties))
				die(get_form_error_response(sprintf($form['resources']['invalid_form_config'], $properties['label'])));

			//check list of real radio values
			return in_array($value, $properties['optionItems']);
		case 'recaptcha':
			if (!array_key_exists('recaptcha', $form) || !array_key_exists('private_key', $form['recaptcha']) || empty($form['recaptcha']['private_key']))
			$resp = recaptcha_check_answer($form['recaptcha']['private_key'], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]);
			return $resp->is_valid;

		case 'recaptcha2':
			if (!array_key_exists('recaptcha2', $form) || !array_key_exists('private_key', $form['recaptcha2']) || empty($form['recaptcha2']['private_key']))

			$resp = recaptcha2_check_answer($form['recaptcha2']['private_key'], $_POST["g-recaptcha-response"], $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
			return $resp["success"];

		case 'email':
			return 1 == preg_match('/^[a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?$/i', $value);

		case 'radio': // never validate the format of a single radio element; only the group gets validated
			die(get_form_error_response(sprintf($form['resources']['invalid_field_type'], $properties['type'])));

 * Returns an object with following properties:
 *	"success": true|false,
 *	"challenge_ts": timestamp,  // timestamp of the challenge load (ISO format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ)
 *	"hostname": string,         // the hostname of the site where the reCAPTCHA was solved
 *	"error-codes": [...]        // optional; possibe values:
 *									missing-input-secret - The secret parameter is missing
 *									invalid-input-secret - The secret parameter is invalid or malformed
 *									missing-input-response - The response parameter is missing
 *									invalid-input-response - The response parameter is invalid or malformed
function recaptcha2_check_answer($secret, $response, $remoteIP) {
	$url = '';
	$data = array(
		'secret' => $secret,
		'response' => $response,
		'remoteip' => $remoteIP

	$options = array(
		'http' => array(
			'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
			'method'  => 'POST',
			'content' => http_build_query($data)
	$context = stream_context_create($options);
	$contents = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
	if ($contents === FALSE) {

	$result = (array) json_decode($contents);
	return $result;

function email_form_submission($form) {
		define('PHP_EOL', '\r\n');

	$form_email = ((array_key_exists('Email', $_REQUEST) && !empty($_REQUEST['Email'])) ? cleanup_email($_REQUEST['Email']) : '');

	$to = $form['email']['to'];
	$subject = $form['subject'];
	$message = get_email_body($subject, $form['heading'], $form['fields'], $form['resources']);
	$headers = get_email_headers($to, $form_email);	

	require 'PHPMailer-5.2.13/PHPMailerAutoload.php';
	$mail = new PHPMailer;
	$mail->Host = '';
	$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
	$mail->Username = '';
	$mail->Password = 'xxx';
	$mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl';
	$mail->Port = '465';  

	$mail->From = $form_email;
	$mail->FromName = $form_email;

	$mail->Subject = $subject;
	$mail->Body = $message;

	$sent = $mail->send();
	echo $mail->ErrorInfo;
	$success_data = array(
		'redirect' => $form['success_redirect']
	echo get_form_response(true, $success_data);

function get_email_headers($to_email, $form_email) {
	$headers = 'From: ' . $to_email . PHP_EOL;
	$headers .= 'Reply-To: ' . $form_email . PHP_EOL;
	$headers .= 'X-Mailer: Adobe Muse CC 2018.1.0.385 with PHP' . PHP_EOL;
	$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . PHP_EOL;
	return $headers;

function get_email_body($subject, $heading, $fields, $resources) {
	$message = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">';
	$message .= '<html xmlns="">';
	$message .= '<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/><title>' . encode_for_form($subject) . '</title></head>';
	$message .= '<body style="background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; font-family: helvetica, arial, verdana, sans-serif;">';
	$message .= '<h2 style="background-color: #eeeeee;">' . $heading . '</h2>';
	$message .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" style="background-color: #ffffff;">'; 

	$sorted_fields = array();
	foreach ($fields as $field => $properties) {
		// Skip reCAPTCHA from email submission
		if ('recaptcha' == $properties['type'] || 'recaptcha2' == $properties['type'])

		array_push($sorted_fields, array('field' => $field, 'properties' => $properties));

	// sort fields
	usort($sorted_fields, 'field_comparer');

	foreach ($sorted_fields as $field_wrapper)
		$message .= '<tr><td valign="top" style="background-color: #ffffff;"><b>' . encode_for_form($field_wrapper['properties']['label']) . ':</b></td><td>' . get_form_field_value($field_wrapper['field'], $field_wrapper['properties'], $resources, true) . '</td></tr>';

	$message .= '</table>';
	$message .= '<br/><br/>';
	$message .= '<div style="background-color: #eeeeee; font-size: 10px; line-height: 11px;">' . sprintf($resources['submitted_from'], encode_for_form($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) . '</div>';
	$message .= '<div style="background-color: #eeeeee; font-size: 10px; line-height: 11px;">' . sprintf($resources['submitted_by'], encode_for_form($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) . '</div>';
	$message .= '</body></html>';

	return cleanup_message($message);

function field_comparer($field1, $field2) {
	if ($field1['properties']['order'] == $field2['properties']['order'])
		return 0;

	return (($field1['properties']['order'] < $field2['properties']['order']) ? -1 : 1);

function is_assoc_array($arr) {
	if (!is_array($arr))
		return false;
	$keys = array_keys($arr);
	foreach (array_keys($arr) as $key)
		if (is_string($key)) return true;

	return false;

function json_serialize($data) {

	if (is_assoc_array($data)) {
		$json = array();
		foreach ($data as $key => $value)
			array_push($json, '"' . $key . '": ' . json_serialize($value));
		return '{' . implode(', ', $json) . '}';
	if (is_array($data)) {
		$json = array();
		foreach ($data as $value)
			array_push($json, json_serialize($value));
		return '[' . implode(', ', $json) . ']';
	if (is_int($data) || is_float($data))
		return $data;
	if (is_bool($data))
		return $data ? 'true' : 'false';
	return '"' . encode_for_json($data) . '"';

function encode_for_json($value) {
	return preg_replace(array('/([\'"\\t\\\\])/i', '/\\r/i', '/\\n/i'), array('\\\\$1', '\\r', '\\n'), $value);

function encode_for_form($text) {
	$text = stripslashes($text);
	return htmlentities($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');// need ENT_QUOTES or webpro.js jQuery.parseJSON fails

function get_form_field_value($field, $properties, $resources, $forOutput) {
	$value = $_REQUEST[$field];
	switch($properties['type']) {
		case 'checkbox':
			return (($value == '1' || $value == 'true') ? $resources['checkbox_checked'] : $resources['checkbox_unchecked']);
		case 'checkboxgroup':
			if (!is_array($value))
				return NULL;

			$outputValue = array();

			foreach ($value as $checkboxValue)
				array_push($outputValue, $forOutput ? encode_for_form($checkboxValue) : stripslashes($checkboxValue));
			if ($forOutput)
				$outputValue = implode(', ', $outputValue);

			return $outputValue;
		case 'radiogroup':
			return ($forOutput ? encode_for_form($value) : stripslashes($value));
		case 'string':
		case 'captcha':
		case 'recaptcha':
		case 'recaptcha2':
		case 'email':
			return encode_for_form($value);

		case 'radio': // never validate the format of a single radio element; only the group gets validated
			die(get_form_error_response(sprintf($resources['invalid_field_type'], $properties['type'])));

function cleanup_email($email) {
	$email = encode_for_form($email);
	$email = preg_replace('=((<CR>|<LF>|0x0A/%0A|0x0D/%0D|\\n|\\r)\S).*=i', null, $email);
	return $email;

function cleanup_message($message) {
	$message = wordwrap($message, 70, "\r\n");
	return $message;

This is the form-u9233.php

If you see this text in your browser, PHP is not configured correctly on this hosting provider. 
Contact your hosting provider regarding PHP configuration for your site.

PHP file generated by Adobe Muse CC 2018.1.0.385


$form = array(
	'subject' => 'IOAN – Der Orden der Delphine Formular Übermittlung',
	'heading' => 'Neue Formularübermittlung',
	'success_redirect' => '',
	'resources' => array(
		'checkbox_checked' => 'Aktiviert',
		'checkbox_unchecked' => 'Nicht aktiviert',
		'submitted_from' => 'Von Website übermitteltes Formular: %s',
		'submitted_by' => 'Besucher-IP-Adresse: %s',
		'too_many_submissions' => 'Zu viele Sendungen in letzter Zeit von dieser IP',
		'failed_to_send_email' => 'E-Mail konnte nicht gesendet werden',
		'invalid_reCAPTCHA_private_key' => 'Ungültiger privater reCAPTCHA-Schlüssel.',
		'invalid_reCAPTCHA2_private_key' => 'Ungültiger privater reCAPTCHA 2.0-Schlüssel.',
		'invalid_reCAPTCHA2_server_response' => 'Ungültige private reCAPTCHA 2.0-Server-Reaktionszeit.',
		'invalid_field_type' => 'Unbekannter Feldtyp „%s“.',
		'invalid_form_config' => 'Die Konfiguration im Feld „%s“ ist ungültig.',
		'unknown_method' => 'Unbekannte Serveranfragemethode'
	'email' => array(
		'from' => '',
		'to' => ''
	'recaptcha2' => array(
		'private_key' => 'xxx'
	'fields' => array(
		'custom_U9071' => array(
			'order' => 1,
			'type' => 'string',
			'label' => 'Name',
			'required' => true,
			'errors' => array(
				'required' => 'Feld „Name“ ist erforderlich.'
		'Email' => array(
			'order' => 2,
			'type' => 'email',
			'label' => 'E-Mail',
			'required' => true,
			'errors' => array(
				'required' => 'Feld „E-Mail“ ist erforderlich.',
				'format' => 'Die E-Mail-Adresse in Feld „E-Mail“ ist ungültig.'
		'custom_U9081' => array(
			'order' => 3,
			'type' => 'string',
			'label' => 'Nachricht',
			'required' => false,
			'errors' => array(
		'g-recaptcha-response' => array(
			'order' => 4,
			'type' => 'recaptcha2',
			'label' => 'Bildüberprüfung',
			'required' => true,
			'errors' => array(
				'required' => 'Feld „Bildüberprüfung“ ist erforderlich.',
				'format' => 'Falscher reCAPTCHA 2.0-Wert.'


The file in phpmailer are untouched.

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