99% of all search traffic from Google (how is this possible?)

This seems very strange to me: nearly 99% of ALL my organic search traffic is coming from Google, with barely 1% coming from all other search engines combined. It’s been this way for over a year, and I’m now trying to figure out what’s going on.

Now I know Google is the runaway market share leader, but numbers so one-sided seem really fishy to me. And yes, Analytics is a Google product, but I can’t imagine they’d lie outright about where search traffic is coming from.

Any ideas? Are these types of #'s typical? I just can’t imagine how it’s possible that it’s THAT lopsided.SERPs, yet only 1 or two from all other search engines!??

Have you tried using robots.txt to tell Google to stay away so you can see the others better?


I’ve got client sites that are very similar, despite being index on Bing and others as well.

…wut? I don’t need Google to stay away. I can see the breakdown just fine in Analytics…

(If I missed an attempt at sarcasm, k)

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Have you checked to see if Bing and other search engines have indexed your site? One way to do that would be to do a site: search in each of those engines.


Do you have an account with Bing Webmaster Tools?

It’s somewhat like Google’s Webmaster Tools and should let you see how your site is performing in the Bing/Yahoo index

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