302 redirect question to short URL-QUESTION

Hey Everyone,

I’m using the Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin for Wordpress and here’s an example on the plugin author’s page on exactly what I want to do:

Great for creating “novelty” or short promo links to go to a product or special page/post – i.e., [noparse]http://yoursite.com/spring-fling[/noparse] could go to the post you already created with all information about the event – its easier to use the shorter URL on a flier or ad, then the long winded one that WordPress created for it ([noparse]http://yoursite.com/events/2010/3/15...e-at-the-park/[/noparse])

So as long as I use a 302 redirect (temporary) will I be ok as far as the original long URL not getting deranked or penalized?



I don’t see any reason for that to affect the ‘real’ URL - as long as you still have some links to it, so Googlebot knows it really is there, it’s very common to use short ‘alias’ URLs for short-term promotion, or even for long-term ease of use, particularly with regard to marketing and social media.

Thanks Stevie for the help! :slight_smile:

what exactly is 302

If I’m not mistaken sites like tinyurl is 301 redirect, allows it to maintain all the header information mirroring the redirection site.

See here - http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=302+redirect