Zoho settings on dedicated server

I use a dedicated server.
Some areas (for users, registration, users of the interview) that I use Mailgun SMTP service, but for my website address, such mail contact@midomain.com use the mail server to send and receive messages.
Sometimes, the e-mails that I send or receive through the mail contact@mydomain.com, late, arriving after half an hour.
Because I want to setup Zoho Mail, but not for the entire server, I want zoho items only for one mail contact@midomain.com.
Is that possible?
Thank you!

It’s not really clear what you mean by that. You’ll need to clarify exactly what you are wanting to see.

@ralphm, thank you for your reply!

I want use Zoho email service (sending and receiving) only for one my email contact@mydomain.com, a others email addresses for my domain not use Zoho service, for them, sending and reciving go via my dedicated server.

I use Google Apps, which I assume is similar. With that, you follow their setup instructions, which involves setting up the email address with the service provider, proving you own the domain, and then setting up the mx records to point to the service provider. Seems to be fairly similar for Zoho: https://www.zoho.com/mail/help/email-hosting-with-zoho.html

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