Zig zag responsive grid, if and how it is possible

How do I get a responsive layout while still being designed as shown in the image? What do I mean by responsive layout. That the elements, when there is no space, move to a new row, while remaining in a zigzag pattern.


based on that layout there, with the circles overlapping one row to the next, my immediate response is “with Javascript.”

Like @m_hutley said, you can’t do it in straight css. You need some JS as well.

Here is a quick and dirty example. It has a bug I don’t have time to flesh out where the wrap detection gets squirrelly when the circles aren’t wrapping consistently (one row has four, the other three for example).

I highlighted the wrapped element to make it easier to see how it’s done…


There are a few of those designs around and an interesting one with floats.

(The grid version is also linked from that article).

This was a quick fork and play around of that first demo.

Seems to work ok but of course untested


Thank you guys so much, you have helped me a lot. Thank you for your quick response. I am new to this :sweat_smile:.

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