Your favorite CodePen?

I figured this might be a fun thread to play around with the CodePen feature of Discourse.
Maybe even see how well it works? hehe

###Warning this thread might get funky, especially if you’re on mobile.

##The Rules:

  1. Must be able to include it here, no offsite linking.

  2. Only 1 per person.

  3. Can’t be included by someone else in the thread. (to the best of your ability)

  • Optional - Say what it is you like about it, technically good? Aesthetically good? What about it do you like?

That’s pretty much it. If you’re like me and don’t really follow stuff on CodePen, here’s their top 100 list for 2014:

##The Most Hearted Pens of 2014

Feel free to grab one off there! (but don’t forget rule #3!)

##How to post a CodePen?
Just paste the raw URL of the CodePen and let Discourse do the rest. The URL should look similar to this:


This is my pick. I found it a few weeks ago and just think it’s a very cool and simple use of CSS3 animation to simulate a warp drive. I found it while playing around with a little game concept demo I’ve been tinkering with.

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HOLY GUACAMOLE I LOVE 2015!!! I don’t know why, but this really excites me.

Anyways, here’s mine:

It’s a demo of “cellular automata” running Terra.js, a crazy cool library for making your own little life forms. In this demo the green stuff grows on it’s own (photosynthesis) and the other stuff eat it.

Edit: is the pen broken or am I doing it wrong?
Edit 2: Thanks @mawburn In case anyone else is wondering…you just drop the URL in, it took me a minute to realize it was that simple :stuck_out_tongue:

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