I have trying for some time. And I gave a look at the image slider questions already. But I would really appreciate if I get some specific help here. Please tell me where the following code went wrong.
Here’s my jQuery code:
function slideMe {
$('.imgcontainer').animate({"margin-left":"-= 100%"}, 2000, function () {
if($('.imgcontainer').css("margin-left") == (-300%)) {
$('.imgcontainer').css("margin-left", "0px");
} window.onload = slideMe();
And here’s the script on HTML page:
<div class="fitimage">
<div class="imgcontainer">
<img src="img/copywrtng.jpg" class="headerimage" alt="copywriting" />
<img src="img/copywrtng1.jpg" class="headerimage" alt="copywriting" />
<img src="img/copywrtng2.jpg" class="headerimage" alt="copywriting" />
And here’s what I have on CSS:
div.fitimage {
overflow: hidden;
img.headerimage {
padding: 0;
margin:0 auto;
My logic is that as each image takes up 100% width, as the “.imgcontainer” div slides left with margin-left: -100%, each image should come up one by one from the right, until it reaches the last one when it reverts to the first image again.
It’s not working!
Please help.