How to find MYSQL Admin Panel or phpmyadmin in Yahoo Web Hosting ?
Hi rahulsingh,I am not familiar with Yahoo Web Hosting, Is it a virtual server service or shared? What control panel do they use? Can you install anything you want?
If it is a Linux based server and you can install software, then WebMin would be good. It has a MySQL server module that you could use. For that matter you could install phpmyadmin.
If you can’t install software then it is most likely using cPanel, DirectAdmin, Plesk (Linux & Windows), or Parrallels Virtuozzo Power Panel; any of these options provide a way to manage MySQL.
You will need to provide more information on what tools and capabilities you have in your hosting environment; otherwise it is less likely you will get help.Steve
A quick look at their site shows these features are not available on the basic plan. If you’re on the Advanced or Premier plans, you should have them. I’d suggest you’d be better off contacting Yahoo! hosting for support - they’ll be much more familiar with their system than we are.
but they clearly said they Dont give MySQL Tech Support issue with in Yahoo Hosting
You can check it through cpanel >> database >> phpmyadmin
hi @pravu Yahoo Small Business Web Hosting dont have Cpanel thats y asking for help here
I wouldn’t have thought that asking where to find the admin constitutes “tech support”. Have you tried to see what they say?
I’ve looked at the basic plan. It does not come with MySQL installed therefore you will not be able to use any MySQL administration tool, which includes phpMyAdmin. You need to be on the Advanced or Premier hosting options to have MySQL. The Basic plan will not allow you to install MySQL either so if you have the basic plan then you will not be able to get this working. If you are on either of the other plans then you will have MySQL management under phpMyAdmin
Thanks @serverstorm